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peer-reviewed papers
S. Tollec, V. Hadžic, P. Nasahl, M. Asavoae, R. Bloem, D. Couroussé, K. Heydemann, M. Jan, and S. Mangard “Fault-Resistant Partitioning of Secure CPUs for System Co-Verification against Faults,” IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), 2024. [doi]
Y. Sellami, G. Girol, F. Recoules, D. Couroussé, and S. Bardin “Inference of Robust Reachability Constraints,” in POPL, 2024. [doi] [preprint]
S. Tollec, M. Asavoae, D. Couroussé, K. Heydemann, and M. Jan “ARCHIFI: Formal Modeling and Verification Strategies for Microarchitectural Fault Injections,” in FMCAD, 2023. [doi] [preprint] [HAL]
L. Casalino, N. Belleville, D. Couroussé, and K. Heydeman “A Tale of Resilience: On the Practical Security of Masked Software Implementations,” IEEE Access, 2023. [doi] [preprint]
T. Chamelot, D. Couroussé, and K. Heydemann “MAFIA: Protecting the Microarchitecture of Embedded Systems Against Fault Injection Attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2023. [doi] [preprint] [arXiv] [IACR ePrint]
S. Tollec, M. Asavoae, D. Couroussé, K. Heydemann, and M. Jan “Exploration of Fault Effects on Formal RISC-V Microarchitecture Models,” in FDTC, 2022. [doi] [preprint] [url]
T. Chamelot, D. Couroussé, and K. Heydeman “SCI-FI – Control Signal, Code, and Control Flow Integrity against Fault Injection Attacks,” in DATE, 2022. [doi] [preprint] [url]
L. Morel, D. Couroussé, and T. Hiscock “Code Polymorphism Meets Code Encryption: Confidentiality and Side-Channel Protection of Software Components,” ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice (DTRAP), 2021. [doi] [preprint] [HAL] [arXiv]
N. Belleville, D. Couroussé, E. Encrenaz, K. Heydeman, and Q. Meunier “PROSECCO: Formally-Proven Secure Compiled Code,” in C&ESAR, 2021. [url] [preprint]
N. Belleville, D. Couroussé, K. Heydemann, Q. Meunier, and I. Ben El Ouahma “Maskara: Compilation of a Masking Countermeasure with Optimised Polynomial Interpolation,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2020. [presented at CASES 2020] [doi] [preprint] [url]
L. Masure, N. Belleville, E. Cagli, M.-A. Cornélie, D. Couroussé, C. Dumas, and L. Maingault “Deep Learning Side-Channel Analysis on Large-Scale Traces – a Case Study on a Polymorphic AES,” in ESORICS, 2020. [doi] [preprint] [url]
L. Morel and D. Couroussé “Idols with Feet of Clay: On the Security of Bootloaders and Firmware Updaters for the IoT,” in NEWCAS, 2019. [doi] [preprint] [slides] [url]
N. Belleville, D. Couroussé, K. Heydemann, and H.-P. Charles “Automated Software Protection for the Masses against Side-Channel Attacks,” ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 2019. [doi] [preprint] [slides presented at HiPEAC 2019]
N. Belleville, K. Heydemann, D. Couroussé, T. Barry, B. Robisson, A. Seriai, and H.-P. Charles “Automatic Application of Software Countermeasures against Physical Attacks,” in Cyber-Physical Systems Security, Springer, 2018. [doi] [preprint] [url]
S. Kerroumi, D. Couroussé, F. Pebay-Peyroula, M. Ait Bendaoud, and A. Molnos “On the Applicability of Binary Classification to Detect Memory Access Attacks in IoT,” in C&ESAR, 2018. [url] [paper] [slides]
K. M. Abdellatif, D. Couroussé, O. Potin, and P. Jaillon “Filtering-Based CPA: A Successful Side-Channel Attack against Desynchronization Countermeasures,” in Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems (CS2), 2017. [doi] [preprint] [url]
D. Couroussé, T. Barry, B. Robisson, P. Jaillon, O. Potin, and J.-L. Lanet “Runtime Code Polymorphism as a Protection against Side Channel Attacks,” in WISTP, 2016. [url] [doi] [IACR ePrint] [preprint]
F. A. Endo, D. Couroussé, and H.-P. Charles “Pushing the Limits of Online Auto-Tuning: Machine Code Optimization in Short-Running Kernels,” in MCSoC, 2016. [url] [doi] [preprint] [extended version] [extended version on arXiv]
H. Le Bouder, T. Barry, D. Couroussé, J.-L. Lanet, and R. Lashermes “A Template Attack Against VERIFY PIN Algorithms,” in SECRYPT, 2016. [url] [doi] [preprint] [slides]
H. Le Bouder, R. Lashermes, J.-L. Lanet, T. Barry, and D. Couroussé “IoT and Physical Attacks,” in C&ESAR, 2016. [url] [abstract] [proceedings]
T. Barry, D. Couroussé, and B. Robisson “Compilation of a Countermeasure against Instruction-Skip Fault Attacks,” in CS2, 2016. [preprint] [slides] [url] [doi]
D. Couroussé, C. Quéva, and H.-P. Charles “Approximate Computing with Runtime Code Generation on Resource-Constrained Embedded Devices,” in Workshop on Approximate Computing (WAPCO), 2016. [preprint] [slides] [url]
C. Quéva, D. Couroussé, and H.-P. Charles “Self-Optimisation Using Runtime Code Generation for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Internet-of-Things Symposium, ESWeek 2015, 2015. [preprint] [slides] [url] [doi]
H. Noura and D. Couroussé “Lightweight, Dynamic, and Flexible Cipher Scheme for Wireless and Mobile Networks,” in Ad Hoc Networks, 2015. [doi]
F. A. Endo, D. Couroussé, and H.-P. Charles “Micro-Architectural Simulation of Embedded Core Heterogeneity with Gem5 and McPAT,” in RAPIDO, 2015. [doi] [preprint]
F. A. Endo, D. Couroussé, and H.-P. Charles “Towards a Dynamic Code Generator for Run-Time Self-Tuning Kernels in Embedded Application,” in Workshop Dynamic Compilation Everywhere, in Conjunction with the 10th HiPEAC Conference, 2015. [preprint]
H.-P. Charles, D. Couroussé, V. Lomüller, F. A. Endo, and R. Gauguey “deGoal a Tool to Embed Dynamic Code Generators into Applications,” in Compiler Construction, 2014. [doi] [preprint]
T. Goubier, D. Couroussé, and S. Azaiez “τC: C with Process Network Extensions for Embedded Manycores,” in International Conference on Computational Science, 2014. [doi] [preprint]
D. Couroussé, B. Robisson, J.-L. Lanet, T. Barry, H. Noura, P. Jaillon, and P. Lalevée “COGITO: Code Polymorphism to Secure Devices,” in SECRYPT, 2014. [doi] [preprint]
F. Endo, D. Couroussé, and H.-P. Charles “Micro-Architectural Simulation of in-Order and out-of-Order ARM Microprocessors with Gem5,” in SAMOS, 2014. [doi] [preprint]
D. Couroussé, V. Lomüller, and H.-P. Charles “Introduction to Dynamic Code Generation – an Experiment with Matrix Multiplication for the STHORM Platform,” in Smart Multicore Embedded Systems, Springer, 2013. [doi] [preprint] [preface] [book contents]
C. Aracil and D. Couroussé “Software Acceleration of Floating-Point Multiplication Using Runtime Code Generation,” in ICEAC, 2013. [doi] [preprint]
D. Couroussé and H.-P. Charles “Dynamic Code Generation: An Experiment on Matrix Multiplication,” in Proceedings of the Work-in-Progress Session, LCTES 2012, 2012. [preprint] [url]
Y. Lhuillier and D. Couroussé “Embedded System Memory Allocator Optimization Using Dynamic Code Generation,” in Workshop "Dynamic Compilation Everywhere", in Conjunction with the 7th HiPEAC Conference, 2012. [preprint]
A. Luciani, J.-L. Florens, D. Couroussé, and J. Castet “Ergotic Sounds: A New Way to Improve Playability, Believability and Presence of Virtual Musical Instruments,” Journal of New Music Research, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 309–323, 2009. [doi]
A. Luciani, S. O’Modhrain, C. Magnusson, J.-L. Florens, and D. Couroussé “Perception of Virtual Multi-Sensory Objects: Some Musings on the Enactive Approach,” in Cyberworlds, 2008. [doi] [preprint]
D. Couroussé and J.-L. Florens “Functional Analysis of Haptic Devices,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, 2007. [preprint] [slides] [url] [HAL]
D. Couroussé and J.-L. Florens “Cobot,” in Enaction and Enactive Interfaces: A Handbook of Terms, 2007, pp. 36–37. [preprint]
D. Couroussé and J. J. Gil “Contact Interaction,” in Enaction and Enactive Interfaces: A Handbook of Terms, 2007, pp. 55–56. [preprint]
D. Couroussé “Haptic Board,” in Enaction and Enactive Interfaces: A Handbook of Terms, 2007, pp. 126–127. [preprint]
D. Couroussé “Mechanical Impedance,” in Enaction and Enactive Interfaces: A Handbook of Terms, 2007, pp. 194–196. [preprint]
D. Couroussé “Motion Capture,” in Enaction and Enactive Interfaces: A Handbook of Terms, 2007, pp. 201–203. [preprint]
A. Luciani, D. Couroussé, M. Evrard, and N. Castagné “Gesture, Movement, Action,” in Enaction and Enactive Interfaces: A Handbook of Terms, 2007, pp. 4–5. [preprint]
J. Castet, J.-L. Florens, D. Couroussé, and A. Luciani “A Real-Time Simulator for Virtual Reality Conceived around Haptic Hard Constraints,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, 2007. [preprint] [url]
A. Luciani, S. O’modhrain, C. Magnusson, J.-L. Florens, and D. Couroussé “Perception of Virtual Multisensory Mobile Objects – Wandering around the Enactive Assumption,” in Proceedings of Enactive/07, 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, 2007. [preprint] [url]
D. Couroussé, J.-L. Florens, and A. Luciani “Effects of Stiffness on Tapping Performance,” in HAPTICS, 2006. [doi] [preprint]
D. Couroussé, G. Jansson, J.-L. Florens, and A. Luciani “Visual and Haptic Perception of Object Elasticity in a Squeezing Virtual Event,” in EuroHaptics, 2006. [preprint] [url]
A. Luciani, M. Evrard, N. Castagné, D. Couroussé, J.-L. Florens, and C. Cadoz “A Basic Gesture and Motion Format for Virtual Reality Multisensory Applications,” in GRAPP, 2006. [arXiv] [preprint]
D. Couroussé, J.-L. Florens, and A. Luciani “Effects of Stiffness on Tapping Performance – Do We Rely on Force to Keep Synchronized along with a Metronome?” in Proceedings of the Enactive05 Conference, 2005. [preprint]
invited talks
D. Couroussé, K. Heydeman, and M. Jan “Fault Security Analysis and Verification: Challenges and New Directions.” OPTIMIST – Open Tools, Interfaces and Metrics for Implementation Security Testing, Halifax, NS, Canada, Sep-2024. [url] [slides]
D. Couroussé “Side-Channel Attacks and Software Countermeasures.” SILM - Security of Software / Hardware Interfaces. Summer School of the French "GdR Sécurité Informatique", Rennes, France, Jul-2019. [url] [slides]
D. Couroussé “Securing Embedded Software with Compilers.” Leti Days, Cybersecurity workshop, Grenoble, France, Jun-2019. [url] [slides]
D. Couroussé “Tutorial: Side-channel Attacks on Embedded Systems.” SSPREW - Software Security, Protection, and Reverse Engineering Workshop; in conjunction with ACSAC 2018, Puerto Rico, USA, Dec-2018. [url] [slides] [hands-on]
D. Couroussé, T. Barry, B. Robisson, N. Belleville, P. Jaillon, O. Potin, H. Le Bouder, J.-L. Lanet, and K. Heydemann “All Paths Lead to Rome: Polymorphic Runtime Code Generation for Embedded Systems,” in Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems, 2018. [url] [slides] [extended abstract]
D. Couroussé “COGITO – Runtime Code Generation to Secure Devices.” Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale – WISG 17, Paris, France, Sep-2017. [url] [slides]
D. Couroussé “Compilation Pour La Sécurité Des Systèmes Embarqués.” ISSISP 2017 – 8th International Summer School on Information Security and Protection, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Jul-2017. [url] [intro] [part I] [part II]
D. Couroussé “Compilation for Cybersecurity in Embedded Systems.” Workshop SERTIF : Simulation pour l’Evaluation de la RobusTesse des applications embarquées contre l’Injection de Fautes, Grenoble, France, Oct-2016. [slides] [url]
D. Couroussé “Compilation Pour La Sécurité Des Systèmes Embarqués.” Summer School Cyber in Bretagne, Rennes, France, Jul-2016. [url]
D. Couroussé “Runtime Code Generation for Performance and Security in Embedded Systems.” Séminaire sécurité des systèmes électroniques embarqués, DGA-IRISA., Rennes, France, Oct-2015. [refslides] [url]
D. Couroussé “Génération de Code Au Runtime : Applications à La Performance et à La Sécurité Des Systèmes Embarqués.” Séminaire CEA LSL, Saclay, France, Mar-2015. [url]
talks and posters
T. Chamelot, D. Couroussé, and K. Heydeman “MAFIA: Protecting the Microarchitecture of Embedded Systems Against Fault Injection Attacks.” TASER, Prague, 2023. [url] [slides]
S. Tollec, M. Asavoae, D. Couroussé, K. Heydeman, and M. Jan “Exploration of Fault Effects on Formal RISC-V Microarchitecture Models.” JAIF, Valence, 2022. [url] [slides]
S. Tollec, M. Asavoae, D. Couroussé, K. Heydeman, and M. Jan “Formal Analysis of Fault Injection Effects on RISC-V Microarchitecture Models.” RISC-V week, Paris, France, May-2022. [poster] [url]
T. Chamelot, D. Couroussé, and K. Heydeman “SCI-FI: Control Signal, Code, and Control-Flow Integrity against Fault Injection Attacks.” RISC-V week, Paris, France, May-2022. [poster] [url]
T. Chamelot, D. Couroussé, and K. Heydeman “SCI-FI – Control Signal, Code, and Control Flow Integrity against Fault Injection Attacks.” JAIF, Paris, 2021. [slides] [url]
L. Morel and D. Couroussé “Idols with Feet of Clay: On the Security of Bootloaders and Firmware Updaters for the IoT.” Journée thématique "Sécurité des systèmes électroniques et communicants", GDR Onde - GT5 CEM, Paris, Jussieu, May-2019. [url] [slides]
L. Morel, D. Couroussé, A. Battistello, E. Poiret, V. Servant, A. Castillefo, O. Caffin, G. Neumann, D. Hely, and P. Genestier “The Emergence of New IoT Threats and HealthCare Mobile Applications.” ADTC - Nanoelectronics, Applications, Design & Technology Conference, Grenoble, France, 2018. [url] [slides]
L. Morel, M.-L. Potet, D. Couroussé, L. Mounier, and L. Maingault “Towards Fault Analysis of Firmware Updaters.” JAIF – Journée thématique sur les attaques par injection de fautes, Sorbonne Univ., Paris, 2018. [slides-part1] [slides-part2] [url]
N. Belleville, D. Couroussé, K. Heydeman, and H.-P. Charles “Automated Software Protection for the Masses against Side-Channel Attacks.” PHISIC - Workshop on Practical Hardware Innovation in Security and Characterization, 2018. [slides] [url]
T. Trevisan Jost, G. Ndour, D. Couroussé, C. Fabre, and A. Molnos “ApproxRISC: An Approximate Computing Infrastructure for RISC-V.” RISC-V Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, May-2018. [url] [hal] [pdf]
N. Belleville, T. Barry, A. Seriai, D. Couroussé, K. Heydemann, H.-P. Charles, and B. Robisson “The Multiple Ways to Automate the Application of Software Countermeasures against Physical Attacks: Pitfalls and Guidelines.” Cyber-Physical Security Education Workshop, 2017. [url] [slides]
E. Beigné, I. Miro-Panades, A. Valentian, J.-F. Christmann, S. Bacles-Min, A. Verdant, G. Sicard, C. Jany, B. Martineau, D. Morche, C. Bernier, A. Molnos, D. Couroussé, S. Lesecq, G. Pillonnet, A. Quelen, and F. Badets “L-Iot: A Flexible Energy Efficient Platform Targeting Wide Range ioT Applications,” in DAC IP-Track Session, Best Presentation Award, 2017. [slides]
T. Barry, D. Couroussé, K. Heydeman, and Bruno Robisson “Automated Combination of Tolerance and Control Flow Integrity Countermeasures against Multiple Fault Attacks.” European LLVM Developers Meeting, 2017. [url] [slides] [abstract]
D. Couroussé “Compilation and Cybersecurity in Embedded Systems.” 11e rencontre de la communauté française de compilation, Aussois, France, Sep-2016. [slides] [url]
D. Couroussé “Génération de Code Au Runtime Pour La Sécurité Des Systèmes Embarqués.” Rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des systèmes d’information (RESSI), Toulouse, France, May-2016. [slides] [url]
D. Couroussé, O. Potin, B. Robisson, T. Barry, K. Abdelatif, P. Jaillon, H. Le Bouder, and J.-L. Lanet “Génération de Code Au Runtime Pour La Sécurisation de Composants.” Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale (WISG), Troyes, France, Feb-2016. [poster] [url]
C. Quéva, D. Couroussé, and H.-P. Charles “Self-Optimisation Using Runtime Code Generation for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Internet-of-Things Symposium, ESWeek 2015, 2015. [preprint] [slides] [url] [doi]
T. Barry, D. Couroussé, and B. Robisson “Compiler-Based Countermeasure against Fault Attacks.” Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES), 2015.
D. Couroussé, T. Barry, B. Robisson, P. Jaillon, J.-L. Lanet, and O. Potin “Runtime Code Polymorphism as a Protection against Physical Attacks.” Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware; Embedded Systems (CHES), 2015. [poster] [url]
D. Couroussé “COGITO: Runtime Code Generation to Secure Devices.” 8e rencontres de la communauté française de compilation, Nice, France, Jul-2014. [refurl]
Intelligence~Online “Odo Software Prototype Provides Solution to Sophisticated Cyber-Spying,” Intelligence Online, Nov. 2018. [url]
D. Larousserie “Lutter Contre La Contrefaçon de Composants Électroniques,” Le Monde, Dec. 2016. [pdf]
research reports
H. Noura and D. Couroussé “HLDCA-WSN: Homomorphic Lightweight Data Confidentiality Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network.” Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2015/928, 2015. [preprint] [url]
J.-L. Florens, A. Luciani, D. Couroussé, D. Urma, S. Marliere, A. Frisoli, M. Fontana, M. Raspolli, I. Summers, A. Brady, J. Savall, E. Sanchez, B. Benoit, K. Johl, N. Sporer, C. Preusche, and G. Essl “State of the Art on Existing Sensors/Actuators Technologies for Haptic Interfaces,” vol. D3.1, J. L. Florens and D. Couroussé, Eds. ENACTIVE Interfaces NoE, 2007, p. 257. [pdf]
phd thesis
D. Couroussé “”Haptic Processor Unit” : Vers Une Plate-Forme Transportable Pour La Simulation Temps-Réel Synchrone Multisensorielle,” thèse de doctorat, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, 2008. [PhD thesis] [slides]
N. Belleville and D. Couroussé “Method for executing a function, by a microprocessor, secured by time desynchronisation,” FR20180056781, WO2019FR51640, 2018. [url]
D. Couroussé “Method of executing a machine code of a secure function,” WO2018FR52263, FR20170058799, 2017. [url]
T. Barry, D. Couroussé, and K. Heydemann “Method for executing a machine code of a secure function,” ICG020511, FR20170053175, WO2018FR50678, 2017. [url]
D. Couroussé, T. Hiscock, and O. Savry “Procédé d’exécution par un microprocesseur d’un code machine polymorphique d’une fonction prédéterminée,” IGC020502, 2016. [url]
D. Couroussé, C. Quéva, and Yves Lhuillier “Method for executing a computer program with a parameterised function,” WO2016FR51584, FR3038087 (A1), 2015. [url]
D. Couroussé, C. Quéva, and Yves Lhuillier “Method for executing a computer program with a parameterised function,” WO2016FR51583, FR3038086 (A1), 2015. [url]
H. Noura and D. Couroussé “Method of encryption with dynamic diffusion and confusion layers,” FR20140061917, WO2015EP78372, 2014. [url]
D. Couroussé “Method of executing, by a microprocessor, a polymorphic binary code of a predetermined function,” FR20130059473, US2015095659, 2013. [url]